Category Archives: age

Faye // 5 Months

November 13, 2017

Faye is 5 months old today! This month flew by and I feel like I hardly have a baby anymore! She’s gotten so big and interacting with her siblings and us as much as she can. Love this little babe and I baaaasically just squeeeeze her all day #cantgetenough

Flannel Baby Dress

Our sweet little hunny hit some mega milestones this month. She is rolling all over the place! From tummy to back AND back to tummy, woo hoo! She’s all over the place on the floor. Only almost fell off the bed once. EEEP! :)

Faye is still sooooo smiley! I just have to smile at her and she smiles right back, love that interaction :) She’s getting really curious at people, she’ll just stare at them and try to figure it all out. She hardly ever cries and her way of getting attention and talking is to growl, quite a funny noise coming out of a cute little baby! Especially at 4am!
She’s been such a great sleeper! Nap at 9am for 2 hrs, nap at 1pm for 2.5 hrs, and down for bedtime at 6:30pm. Wakes at 4am to nurse, and back to bed till 7am. My goal this month is to get her into Ivy’s bedroom to start sharing! So nervous. Everyone’s in good sleep habits right now, I’ve been procrastinating to mess it all up!

Love our little Faye Ophelia. Such a hunny and full of joy and love. Slow down time, this is our last baby :(


Faye // 4 Months

October 13, 2017

Faye is 4 months today! She’s growing so much and so fast! Just a happy lil chunker is what she is. She’s sooo sweet. Doesn’t make a peep all day. Love the lil girl.

Faye is LOVING her fingers. Totally going to be a finger sucker, just like Leo. She wants her left hand and leans her whole body left to get to her little fingers. Super cute, and I really love a self-soother, so I’m all good with that.

She is liking tummy time more and more. Her big ole head and body is tough for her to get up, but she’s trying hard! Not rolling over at all yet, but she’ll get that big body over sometime soon!

Sleeping has been a struggle this month. UMPH. I stopped swaddling her arms down in the sleep sac about 4 weeks ago, and I shouldn’t have! She was sleeping from about 7:30-4am when I was swaddling her, well once I stopped and went to just the sleep sac, she was waking up at 10, midnight, 4, ugh, all over the place! I tried a few different sleep sacs, then randomly she slept 12 hours one night, then all over again the next night! But now FINALLY, these last two weeks, we’ve gotten into a routine during the day – nap at 9am, and nap at 1pm (her naps are about 2-3 hours long), then bedtime at 630ish, and she’s been sleeping from 630pm – 430am. So that is MUCH better. I was always so scheduled with Ivy and Leo and I feel like that’s why they’re good sleepers. So I guess my whole attempt to free-style Faye just wasn’t really working! Glad we’re doing much better now. FEWF. Tough month.

Those little pursed lips. So cute.

Faye also LOVES her jumper, reaches for the toys, spins the rattle, jumps, jumps, jumps. Has so much fun it. Or she enjoys to lay with her toys and reach for her toes. LOVE that stage, the sucking and touching the toes is so cute!!




Ivy’s Baby Doll 4th Birthday Party

October 3, 2017

Ivy is 4 years old! We celebrated her birthday this past weekend with our friends and family and had the best day! She chose a baby doll party for her theme, which is super cute because ever since Faye, she’s really gotten into her babies and her dolls. I decided on an “Oh Baby” theme (see inspiration post here) with balloons from our friend Ryan at Queen City Balloons (he’s the best!). I found an invitation to match that was originally for a baby shower, but I had her revamp it for Ivy’s party. The combo worked perfectly!

We had her friends bring their own doll to join in the fun, so we borrowed some extra high chairs and baby doll items so all the little girls had something to do with their dolls. It was adorable watching them play babies! :)

The party was a blast and we showered her with love, gifts, and lots of cake! Ivy got a ton of new clothes for her dolls, which is her favorite thing to do – dress them in new outfits! She was so excited about all her gifts!

skirt // shirt

cake from The Cake Lady // balloon tassel cake topper // candles // cake stand // candy jar

Look at all these kids!

This is such a fun age! Her excitement and love for life is contagious and so super sweet. She ran around with her friends like a crazy person and loved being surrounded by all her loved ones. She had so much fun with all the little girl and doll gifts she received!

Rounded the Koch clan for a quick pic! Leo in his own world with his new truck, haha

So we decided to join him :)

Ivy, you bring us so much happiness. Your sweet personality and spunky behavior gives us so much joy and laughter. You are such a little mommy bird and I can always rely on you to be the responsible one! We love you so much and I hope your hugs are always this big and full of love! Happy Birthday our little big four year old. xoxo.

sneakers // jeans // shirt

Ivy Turns 4!

October 1, 2017

Happy Birthday today Ivy! 4 years old! Our first born spunky little girl. Can’t believe you’re 4! It’s gone by so fast! You’ve grown up to be such a spunky girl and are so sweet! We love you so much!

balloon by queen city balloons

Ivy the FOUR year old:
Her favorite thing might be to talk. MAN she can talk. And talk. And talk. We like to try to tell her to ‘rest her mouth,’ but that really doesn’t stop her for more than a few seconds. She even talks in her sleep sometimes. Her favorite word is probably, “why?” because she asks me approximately 629 why questions a day. She is completely curious and wants to know about everything. 

She absolutely LOVE barbies and dolls. She always wants me to braid their hair and she loves to change their clothes and outfits and shoes. Ivy is totally obsessed with KidsTube and could watch other little girls play with their barbies and dolls all day if I let her. She likes to act like the girls in the videos she watches and plays barbies and dolls just like them. I even catch her saying some things like they say in the videos, it’s hilarious. YouTube star might be in her future. Although she says she wants to be a dentist.

Ivy loves to dress herself and she’s got her own thing going on. She really loves to wear mismatched shoes and all she ever wants to wear is a dress. She doesn’t even own a pair of shorts. But she has plenty of tutus and skirts and about a million bows. She will try to put them in herself and they end up in the back of her head, makes me chuckle each time :)

She is a total pleaser and rule follower. Ivy is always trying to do the right thing. She really doesn’t ever want to be in trouble and she is really well behaved most of the time. I can’t even remember the last time she got in trouble. She seems so grown up lately and it’s scaring me how big of a responsible girl she’s become.

Ivy is such a good big sister. Again, a total pleaser. I can always count on her to help with Faye or Leo when I need her to. She asks to hug (she even says, “huggie Faye?!” In her baby talk) or hold Faye about 24 times a day, and she loves to squeeze Faye’s cheeks and I always catch her holding Faye’s little hand, pretty much adorable. She really looks after Leo too, always making sure he’s behaving and doing the right thing or helping him. Although she LOVES to try to tell him what to do and I can tell Leo is bothered by her half the time :) Nevertheless, a really good big sister.

Her favorite food is chicken strips and “white noodles,” AKA fettuccini alfredo and she eats Captain Crunch Berries almost every morning for breakfast.

She wants to be Pocahontas for Halloween, even though she’s never even seen the movie

She’s spunky and sweet and we love the little big girl you’ve become Ivy! Happy 4th Birthday IVY!!


Faye // 3 Months

September 13, 2017

Faye Ophelia is three months old! She’s the best little baby, just coos and smiles all day long! She’s so sweet :) Such an easy going baby, likes to just hang out in the action! Never complains.

This month she’s really found her hands. Always moving them up to her mouth to gnaw on them. She’s also gotten good at grabbing things and pulling them to her mouth.

She’s sleeping from about 730pm – 430am, gets up to eat, and goes back to bed till 8ish. Anxious for her to sleep through the whole night! It will be fun to get her and Ivy in the same room together. Ivy can’t wait!

Hitting all her milestones! Good job baby girl :)

She loves to be held and in the action. I’m loving my WildBird sling to wear her around since we’re all over the place in a day! She mostly wants to be talked to and Ivy is in charge of that! Ivy talks and talks to her or sings her songs. She’ll talk in such a baby voice too, it’s super cute. Even Leo has started paying attention to her, and she ALWAYS laughs at him bc, well, he’s quirky!

Her eyes have stayed really blue, which is exciting, they’re so pretty. And she’s getting so big! Has outgrown her 0-3 month clothes practically, and on to 3-6 month. Love her chunky fat rolls :)

Basically obsessed with her.

Love you Faye. xoxo.