Faye // 5 Months

November 13, 2017

Faye is 5 months old today! This month flew by and I feel like I hardly have a baby anymore! She’s gotten so big and interacting with her siblings and us as much as she can. Love this little babe and I baaaasically just squeeeeze her all day #cantgetenough

Flannel Baby Dress

Our sweet little hunny hit some mega milestones this month. She is rolling all over the place! From tummy to back AND back to tummy, woo hoo! She’s all over the place on the floor. Only almost fell off the bed once. EEEP! :)

Faye is still sooooo smiley! I just have to smile at her and she smiles right back, love that interaction :) She’s getting really curious at people, she’ll just stare at them and try to figure it all out. She hardly ever cries and her way of getting attention and talking is to growl, quite a funny noise coming out of a cute little baby! Especially at 4am!
She’s been such a great sleeper! Nap at 9am for 2 hrs, nap at 1pm for 2.5 hrs, and down for bedtime at 6:30pm. Wakes at 4am to nurse, and back to bed till 7am. My goal this month is to get her into Ivy’s bedroom to start sharing! So nervous. Everyone’s in good sleep habits right now, I’ve been procrastinating to mess it all up!

Love our little Faye Ophelia. Such a hunny and full of joy and love. Slow down time, this is our last baby :(


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