Happy Birthday today Ivy! 4 years old! Our first born spunky little girl. Can’t believe you’re 4! It’s gone by so fast! You’ve grown up to be such a spunky girl and are so sweet! We love you so much!

balloon by queen city balloons
Ivy the FOUR year old:
Her favorite thing might be to talk. MAN she can talk. And talk. And talk. We like to try to tell her to ‘rest her mouth,’ but that really doesn’t stop her for more than a few seconds. She even talks in her sleep sometimes. Her favorite word is probably, “why?” because she asks me approximately 629 why questions a day. She is completely curious and wants to know about everything.
She absolutely LOVE barbies and dolls. She always wants me to braid their hair and she loves to change their clothes and outfits and shoes. Ivy is totally obsessed with KidsTube and could watch other little girls play with their barbies and dolls all day if I let her. She likes to act like the girls in the videos she watches and plays barbies and dolls just like them. I even catch her saying some things like they say in the videos, it’s hilarious. YouTube star might be in her future. Although she says she wants to be a dentist.
Ivy loves to dress herself and she’s got her own thing going on. She really loves to wear mismatched shoes and all she ever wants to wear is a dress. She doesn’t even own a pair of shorts. But she has plenty of tutus and skirts and about a million bows. She will try to put them in herself and they end up in the back of her head, makes me chuckle each time :)
She is a total pleaser and rule follower. Ivy is always trying to do the right thing. She really doesn’t ever want to be in trouble and she is really well behaved most of the time. I can’t even remember the last time she got in trouble. She seems so grown up lately and it’s scaring me how big of a responsible girl she’s become.
Ivy is such a good big sister. Again, a total pleaser. I can always count on her to help with Faye or Leo when I need her to. She asks to hug (she even says, “huggie Faye?!” In her baby talk) or hold Faye about 24 times a day, and she loves to squeeze Faye’s cheeks and I always catch her holding Faye’s little hand, pretty much adorable. She really looks after Leo too, always making sure he’s behaving and doing the right thing or helping him. Although she LOVES to try to tell him what to do and I can tell Leo is bothered by her half the time :) Nevertheless, a really good big sister.
Her favorite food is chicken strips and “white noodles,” AKA fettuccini alfredo and she eats Captain Crunch Berries almost every morning for breakfast.
She wants to be Pocahontas for Halloween, even though she’s never even seen the movie
She’s spunky and sweet and we love the little big girl you’ve become Ivy! Happy 4th Birthday IVY!!