Faye // 4 Months

October 13, 2017

Faye is 4 months today! She’s growing so much and so fast! Just a happy lil chunker is what she is. She’s sooo sweet. Doesn’t make a peep all day. Love the lil girl.

Faye is LOVING her fingers. Totally going to be a finger sucker, just like Leo. She wants her left hand and leans her whole body left to get to her little fingers. Super cute, and I really love a self-soother, so I’m all good with that.

She is liking tummy time more and more. Her big ole head and body is tough for her to get up, but she’s trying hard! Not rolling over at all yet, but she’ll get that big body over sometime soon!

Sleeping has been a struggle this month. UMPH. I stopped swaddling her arms down in the sleep sac about 4 weeks ago, and I shouldn’t have! She was sleeping from about 7:30-4am when I was swaddling her, well once I stopped and went to just the sleep sac, she was waking up at 10, midnight, 4, ugh, all over the place! I tried a few different sleep sacs, then randomly she slept 12 hours one night, then all over again the next night! But now FINALLY, these last two weeks, we’ve gotten into a routine during the day – nap at 9am, and nap at 1pm (her naps are about 2-3 hours long), then bedtime at 630ish, and she’s been sleeping from 630pm – 430am. So that is MUCH better. I was always so scheduled with Ivy and Leo and I feel like that’s why they’re good sleepers. So I guess my whole attempt to free-style Faye just wasn’t really working! Glad we’re doing much better now. FEWF. Tough month.

Those little pursed lips. So cute.

Faye also LOVES her jumper, reaches for the toys, spins the rattle, jumps, jumps, jumps. Has so much fun it. Or she enjoys to lay with her toys and reach for her toes. LOVE that stage, the sucking and touching the toes is so cute!!




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