Leo // 5 Months

November 9, 2015


Leo is 5 months old! He is SO smiley! And if you follow along with me on Instagram (@kayleemaykoch), you’d see a lot of pictures of his chubby cheeks getting exercised! He’s so kissable with those adorable cheeks I really can’t handle myself. And he is a total finger sucker! It’s always two fingers, whichever make it in his mouth first. I’m all about the self-soothing and the finger sucking is pretty cute! He even sometimes sucks his thumb, which is like, total swoon, I don’t know why that’s so cute! A total baby thing I guess, adorable. Hopefully it doesn’t last forever though ;)

This month Leo has conquered some new exercises. He has rolled over from tummy to back by basically just rolling his head a bit back, it’s so darn big and heavy that the rest of his body just follows! :) He is so so so close to going from back to tummy, he just can’t quite get that head over! Haha! Any day now, and then the scares of him rolling over in the middle of the night ensue! I remember being so paranoid at night with Ivy! I would check the monitor a million times to make sure she isn’t suffocating. Here comes even less sleep pretty soon!


Speaking of sleep, he’s down to just getting up one time a night. He goes to sleep at around 7-730pm, wakes up around 2-3am (or 4 like last night! EEE!), then up again at about 730am. So he’s doing pretty good. I can handle the one time a night thing. At least he just nurses quick and goes right back asleep. But I sure miss a whole night’s sleep : / Ivy was always so good, 12 hrs straight right at 3 months. Miss that!

Leo is getting to be quite the talker! He coos and gives his high-pitched squeals often, which are adorable. And when he starts to laugh he always gets the hiccups! Like he hasn’t quite figured out how to take in that air while he’s laughing yet :) Haha. He’s also really ticklish and LOVES his jumper. He gets some serious air in that thing!


Monthly stickers //Crib Sheet fabric then custom made by Iviebaby // Camera onesie (sold out, similar here) // Sweatpants //  Jellycat Bashful Calf

And lastly, he LOVES his sister Ivy! He is constantly watching her and loves when she sits or lays next to him. He’s even patient with her when she hogpiles him and when she’s helping me change his diaper. He just loves to listen to her and watch her every move. She’s a crazy one, lots of action, and Leo loves it!

Here are some favorites from the month

leo5months Photo Nov 07, 5 12 34 PM Photo Nov 07, 5 13 22 PM

These two, haha

Leo in Months – 1 month // 2 months // 3 months // 4 months //

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