Leo has really hit some milestones these past couple months! First potty trained (whoop!!) and now a big boy bed! And an almost three year old (June 8 – we share birthdays!)! Our little man is really growing up!
Category Archives: milestones
Potty Trained!
March 11, 2018
Never thought this day would come!!! I literally didn’t think I would even try to potty train Leo till he was three (he’s 2 years 9 months), but HERE WE ARE! WHOOP!
I happened to take out the potty chair a few months ago, just to see… and he wanted NOTHING to do with it. So I was like, okay, not gonna push it. But every once in a while, I would mention the potty to Leo, and he’d say, “No Mom! I want you to change my diaper!” UMB. But, what about MY wants LEO! He didn’t care. Anyways, so, we didn’t bring it up again for a while, until another month about a month ago, and finally he was like, “Yah!! I got on da potty!” So he pulled his pants down, took off his diaper, and WENT! WHAAAAAAAT. I was like, LEO!!! All while rejoicing thinking this is gonna be easy to train him!!! But also thinking, you little shit, you could have been potty trained months ago!!!
We dove straight into the 3-day potty training method. Naked and hunkered into the house. He picked it up pretty easy, which was SO DIFFERENT of an experience than with Ivy (read here). Ugh. Can’t even go back there. Leo only had 1 accident the whole three days, but pooped in his pants the second day, haha. So we were pretty good to go! So proud of him!!! I hate that first time out in public where you are full of anxiety and are asking your kid every other ten minutes, “Need to go potty? Need to go potty? Need to go potty?” How annoying are us Moms!!!! But the good boy told us when he needed to go and he went! WHOOP! Go LEO!
Now, this was about 3 weeks ago and since then he’s only pooped in his pants once and has only had one more accident! Such a big boy!! So nice being back to only one kid in diapers! Another milestone completed! Holla! Proud Mom!
Leo Turns TWO!
June 8, 2017
Leo man turns two today! What a celebration to share a day with his Mama (read birth story here)! Still can’t believe the rascal arrived ten days early to be born on my birthday :) Talk about a Mama’s boy! Ha! He’s grown up so much this year and gone through so many milestones, fun to think about everything he’s accomplished this year. He started walking, talking a ton, can count to ten, and is getting more and more independent every day. What a year he’s had! Love our little Leo man. Happy Birthday from Mommy and Daddy! We love you!
Leo is a total boy! He’s happiest with a truck, car, or ball in his hand. He loooooves anything that makes noise and I swear he can hear a lawn mower from a mile away. He loves to push his trucks and trains around equally loves to read about them as well. He LOVES to read! Huge plus if it’s a book with noise!
His personality is pretty much hilarious! He wakes up so happy and smiling and could just lay in his crib and talk to himself and cuddle with his blankie forever till we actually come and get him. It’s basically amazing. Then he always gives a HUGE smile and laugh and cuddles back into his blankie. He usually wants to be covered again and wants me to rub his back. Pretty cute! He seems to always be laughing at himself. So happy! And he is so proud of himself all the time. His favorite thing to say is, “I DID IT!!!!”
However, Leo can go from the happiest boy to a downright pain in the ass though! #twoyearolds #ugh He literally can just throw himself on the ground, butt in the air, crying over whatever he wants. TANTRUM. Then he wants to be consoled and cuddle even if it’s me who told him no. Haha. Again, pretty cute! But that’s rare to none as he’s usually a happy-go-lucky guy! So good at just playing and playing.
He loves to go wee-eww, wee-eww, like a fire truck. Says it all day long! Leo also LOVES his blankie still, so cute to see him cuddle with it. Oh and he still sucks his two right fingers. Never gonna quit that I feel like! Overall, total boy that is happiest with any boy toy! Especially riding his cars! Grandma and Grandpa got him this ride-on car for his birthday and I can’t wait see his face! He will love it.
Here are some pics from his two years, oh how he’s grown!
The day he was born! Oh what a little man!
Tehehe, Ivy! So proud of her new brother
Maybe my all-time favorite photo of him <3 – 2 months old
6 months
8 months! Photos by Amie Hansen – see more of this shoot here
8 months and crawling!
1st birthday! Leo’s Wild One – see party here
Leo walking! 14 months!
16 months – photos by Emily Mitton – see more photos from this shoot here
First haircut! 1.5 years
20 months
23 months
Birthday Buddies! 2 days before our birthday :)
Love you so much Leo!!! You’re so sweet and curious about everything! Always wakes up happy and ready for a fun day. Couldn’t ask for a better little boy, LOVE YOU!
Last Day of Preschool // 2017
May 18, 2017
Ivy had her last day of preschool today! First year of school DONE! Looking back at her first day (see that post here) is such a tear-jerker! My how the time has flown by! It was so sweet seeing her walk out those doors and the teachers loving on her. She had so much fun this year and met some new spunky friends and learned so much! I was a teacher for 8 years before staying home, so I am passionate about learning and school, AND summer breaks :) Haha. I am excited to get her for the summer, especially since I think she’ll be a big help with baby girl on the way.
Oh look how she’s grown!!! (TEARS!)
So proud of you Ivy! You were such a good student, never any complaints from the teacher and never in trouble, you are just as I hoped you would be! Love you baby girl!
I did the same questionnaire with her again to see how her answers changed. Here they are and here’s the video!
What’s your name: Ivy
How old are you: Three!
What’s your favorite food: Chicken strips (same answer! Obsessed!)
What’s your favorite toy: My lamb (same answer again. But so weird because she hasn’t touched her lamb in months! I would have thought she would say barbies, because she plays with them ALL THE TIME)
What do you like to do for fun: Play with my babysitters (Haha! Hilarious! Because I had just gotten home from getting my hair done and the babysitter had just left! Sooo, I guess, whatever, haha)
What’s your favorite color: Pink and purple! (same answer!)
What do you love the most?: My purple teddy (I liked her answer a lot more last time! She said Mommy and Leo, adorable. I swear she was just picking things out in her room at this point)
Who was your teacher? Miss Sonya!
Love you Ivy!! So proud of you!
Sibling Snapshot
April 3, 2017
With the new spring season, it’s time for another sibling snapshot! Totally meant to do one each season and already missed winter! WHOOPS! Anyways, WOW these kids have changed so much since the last one I did (see that post here), especially Leo with all his new words! Ivy’s become such a good big sister and I love to see siblings interact and play together. Anxious to add another in the mix in June! Here are the Koch Kiddos!
Ivy | 3.5 years
My, oh, my how she’s grown up! She is seeming so old and mature lately! She has full on embraced her role as ‘big sister’. Ivy can be so sweet to him and just wants to play together all the time and watch over him, on the other hand, she totally pesters him and wants him to talk and talk which doesn’t work out so well for either of them since Leo really only says 2-3 word sentences right now! She is in preschool two days a week and I’m so proud of her being such a good and well-behaved little student!
Ivy is COMPLETELY obsessed with Barbies and almost always has one (or five) in her hand. Her favorite show to watch is anything on YouTube Kids, where you usually find her watching other kids playing with their barbies, then she goes into her room to reenact it, which is hilarious to hear her talk with her barbies! :) She also loves to sing – Frozen, Moana, and “Ophelia” by the Lumineers, which is a personal fave. Her hair is getting darker and darker and she mostly loves to wear a bow, except occasionally asks for “two braids like Anna from Frozen.” Ivy dresses herself every morning and I love to see what she picks out (most of the time!)! Totally her own style and I don’t dare buy her anything without her approval bc I’ve mom failed on that too many times. Her favorite colors are purple and pink. She asks about a MILLION questions a day and is basically constantly talking. Ivy is sweet and sassy and couldn’t imagine her any other way!
Leo | 22 months
Leo, oh, Leo. My blue eyed blonde haired little boy. He’s still soooo sweet and LOVES to cuddle, totally unlike Ivy who will hardly give a hug or a kiss! This past month, he’s gone from about 20 words to I swear like 200 overnight! All of a sudden he just started saying everything we were saying! About time! So nice to be able to communicate with him. He’s learning so much every day. His favorite thing to do is anything with trucks or a ball. He loves to make noises with his trucks and vroom vroom them, and also loves to kick or shoot his basketball around. Leo is always hearing when a truck or plane are going by and pointing it out. His first words were Mommy, Daddy, and truck. Haha. He also LOVES to read. I tend to find him in his room reading books on his chair :) So awesome!
Leo has gotten quite the stubborn and hard-headed attitude lately though. He’s hard to forget something and won’t give in until he gets what he wants! He is usually totally independent and can just play and play all by himself, or with Ivy. He still sucks his last two fingers when he’s tired or gets anxious and I feel like he’ll never outgrow that! Humph! And we are literally having to tape the waistband on the outside of his onesies underneath his clothes so that he stays out of his pants! He is constantly trying to get down his diaper to play with his parts! He somehow shimmies his diaper down even with a onesie and zip-up pjs or clothes on then pees all over himself! So tape is doing the trick for now. Ridiculous! Must be another soothing thing for him or something, it’s gotten out of hand, and gross!!!
These two are so much fun to watch grow up! I really love having a boy and a girl, they’re so different, but so alike. Best of all is to watch them interact and have fun together, always a playmate! Thank goodness!