Category Archives: weekend

Black Hills Labor Day

September 5, 2017

We made the trek West River to head to the Black Hills for a family vacation last weekend! So much fun to be in a different environment and surrounded by the lush pine trees and historic towns. I love all of the history there and the buildings are so neat! John was out there for some work early, and the Grandparents offered to keep Leo, so off I went with Ivy and Faye. First stop, WALL DRUG!

Faye made it the whole 4 hours there without us having to stop! That was awesome. So we were all ready to get out and explore a bit and stretch our legs. So many quirky things to look at and do there. And we had to have a donut! Yum!

We finally made it to Daddy and we were so happy to join him!

The next day we drove to the Southern Hills to Hill City. Stopped and went for a little walk on the Mickelson Trail on the way down.

Hill City has the coolest little main street and I was sooo excited to try Miner Brewing Co. Last time we were here it was just getting built so I was anxious to see it and have a cold one (or 5!) I’m a sucker for a tasting flight and each of the beers were so good! We went back the next day for another one! The atmosphere and vibe is so cool, love the industrial rustic look they have going on.

Day 3 we went to Keystone. Neither of us had ever been there so it was fun to see a new town. We went to the Rushmore Tramway Adventure Park and rode the tramway! It was soo much fun! The slide back down was the best part! Even Faye liked it, haha :)

And up top there was a beautiful view of Mount Rushmore and the Hills. So pretty!

Our last day was spent in the coolest… Deadwood! This historic town has a special meaning to us, it’s where we got married! I love to stroll the streets where we took our photos and visit our reception place, the Deadwood Mountain Grand. So much to see in Deadwood. I always want to check out every place, they’re all so old and neat!

And lastly as the day heated up, we took off to Pactola Lake and enjoyed some beautiful scenery and fresh cool water! All the smoke from the wildfires in Montana blocked some of the view, but it was still gorgeous!

Can’t wait to go back for a winter adventure!

A Day at the Apple Orchard!

October 9, 2016

What a gorgeous fall day it was today! I’m not ready to give up these 60’s and wear an actual coat yet, so give me all the cardigans and sweaters for a little while longer paaaalease! Today we enjoyed the beautiful weather and headed to the apple orchard to go to the Pumpkin Festival. I love these festivals with all of the rides, animals, cotton candy (FAVE), and of course the best parts, the pumpkins and apples! Ivy and Leo were so cute searching for their pumpkins and I think Leo had an apple in his hand THE ENTIRE TIME :) Adorable!

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

family apple orchardfamily apple orchard family apple orchard family apple orchard

family apple orchard family apple orchard family apple orchard family apple orchard

family apple orchard

shawl | shoes | ivy’s dress | leo’s pants

And I just have to add this in here too because Ivy and I went to the Princess Ball today and OH MY GOSH. I think I teared up a few times with how cute she was hugging the princesses!!! img_8259


Mother’s Day Weekend

May 10, 2016

Mother’s Day was such a fabulous day and weekend! We finally made it down to our cabin after being away from it for a while with a busy April. PLUS! The marina opened so we could get our boat on the water!!!! I have been looking forward to boating more than usual, so I was in full anticipation to be on that boat with a beer in my hand!


Leo hardly even knew the boat last summer, he was just a teeny baby! So I was anxious to see how he would do on it. And he LOVED it. Had to get used to the life jacket, but he really enjoyed looking out at the waves and driving with Daddy. And Ivy is a boat fanatic! So she was all over the place loving the ride and telling us to “go faster!” at every opportunity she could :)


Friday was absolutely GLORIOUS outside. We went boating the in the afternoon, then again for a night cruise! It was just so nice to get out on the water. The Lewis and Clark Lake is so beautiful!

The rest of the weekend we hit the beach, went paddle boarding, and just enjoyed the indoors and outdoors. The kids were great all weekend and the beers and sunshine kept flowing. It was a perfect kick-off to the summer!

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I’m so thankful for my children and family. Being a Mother has brought me so much joy and happiness. I love being around them and laughing and giggling together. The hugs and kisses make my days and fill my heart. I’m one lucky Mama!


Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and Mother’s Day!

A Weekend with the Girls

January 18, 2016

I love me some girl time. And this weekend was one for the books! Five of us girls that have been friends since before high school met in Minneapolis (two live there, one in Chicago, and then myself and another friend from Sioux Falls) for some serious fun and time away from kids, husbands, and LIFE. Which was much needed. I hadn’t been away from Leo yet, but I was ready to leave him and Ivy with John and get OUTTA there!

We stayed at the downtown Hilton and with a sweet hookup from our friend Tori, we ended up with the Royal Suite! It was amazing! Lots of room for us five rowdy girls :) THREE bathrooms. Awesome.

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One of the big reasons why I wanted a trip besides some girl time was for dining out! I LOVE going out to eat and all I wanted was some delicious food and wine! And one of my favorite things about Minneapolis is how incredible the buildings and decor are everywhere. All the old historic buildings are my favorite! We chose a couple restaurants that I hadn’t been to yet, so I couldn’t wait to check them out.

Friday night, we headed to the restaurant Bachelor Farmer. Delicious wine and food and great convos = a fun kick off to the our weekend with the girls! Capped the night off with a cocktail at the Marvel Bar as we chatted and gossiped about everything!

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Saturday morning Chelsey flew in from Chicago for a 24-hour girl’s trip so that was really exciting seeing her! We all jumped in the car and headed to Libertine for brunch. Really hip decor and WHOA, the chicken and waffles were probably my favorite meal of the whole weekend!

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We did a little shopping at H&M (I got this and this blouse) and headed back to the suite to rest up then spruce up for the evening.

We went to Hey Day for dinner and checked off another extraordinary meal. Our convos there are not ones to be repeated about our past lives :) Ha, but we reminisced about our high school days with some fun memories and some good laughs along the way.

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Ok this picture. OMG I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time! Tori, the second in on the right, goes “where’s my body!!!??!” And we all DIED. Her head is perfectly sitting on top of the backrest and her all black coat is making her look bodyless! BAH! We laughed so ridiculously hard about it ALL night and as I’m writing this I’m still laughing! Maybe one of those times you had to be there, but holy hannah, it was funny!!!

After Hey Day we went to my FAVORITE – Spoon and Stable for some refreshing cocktails and to admire the decor. I LOVE it in there! By far my favorite place in Minneapolis! I love all the white and high ceilings and the bar is gorgeous. That wine cellar isn’t too shabby either ;)


We closed the night there as we talked about everything girls can possibly talk about (wait, that is probably not possible!) and finally hit the sack at 3am! Way too late for this mama but it was too much fun being out with the ladies!

Sunday morning Tori and Chelsey headed out, so Gina, Sally, and I enjoyed one last stuffing of the face at Moose and Sadie’s.


Well. This girl’s weekend sure felt good. Girlfriends, gossiping, laughing so hard you cry, wine, delicious food, shopping, dressing up, looking fancy, and sleeping in. This weekend couldn’t have been any better. So much fun being around people that you’ve known for practically your entire life. So lucky to have such great friends! And fun to have secrets about each other that only we know! I really love being a girl :)

And. The kids survived, ha! I had a lot more trust in John this time around from before when I left him with Ivy as a baby. I guess he’s got some practice under his belt this time. He sent me this picture from the mall and I think Ivy did just fine under his care, hehe. Well, minus her outfit… (they’re pajamas) : / haha

Photo Jan 15, 3 09 52 PM

Sure missed the kids though. It’s always a little sweeter of a hug and kiss when you haven’t gotten one in a few days. Love these two.

Photo Jan 18, 11 35 28 AM And now John is getting me back with a guy’s trip to the Black Hills this weekend :( But, soon enough, will be our trip to the BAHAMAS!!!!!!


HELLO 2016

January 2, 2016

Hello, it’s me. Ok, sorry for the Adele, but really, HELLO!!!! It’s a NEW YEAR! 2016 is HERE!! And we certainly had a spectacular last day of 2015 and an even better first day into 2016. Such a fabulous weekend with friends. We tucked the kids in bed and the adults got to have some fun. I love all of the nostalgia that builds up as the new year approaches and the fun that beholds as the last day of the year approaches. Cheers! Kiss! Hug! Kiss! We celebrated with friends, food, and lots of champagne and far too many hilariously obnoxious rounds of Heads Up. Twas a night to remember as the clock ticked midnight and we sang out HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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And we can’t forget the dinner beforehand!! Surf-and-turf – but might as well have been all surf because we DEVOURED the 10 pounds of crab!

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Now on to January 1st, 2016!

After attempting to sleep in, but that basically doesn’t exist with kids, we hit the hot tub with a bloody mary in hand. (Icicle photo bomb!)

Photo Jan 01, 10 42 01 AM

The day just kept getting nicer out so we headed outdoors with the kids to take them sledding and run off some of their energy.

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Ok the adults had some fun too ;)DSC_0279

We even hooked up the water tube and pulled that around. Ha! Year-round use out of that thing :)


The kids enjoyed playing in the snow and building a snowman

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Built a fort with CruzDSC_0324

Ivy, that’s the snowman’s nose!DSC_0332

Festive snowman with his top hat!DSC_0376

Cutie Quinn!DSC_0290

Hope you all had a Happy New Year and looking forward to a great 2016!


– Love, The Kochs –