52 Weeks with Leo

June 6, 2016

My little Leo!! He’s growing up so fast! 52 weeks old today :( I’m a sucker for looking back at photos and it’s been so much fun for me to do a weekly photo of him with the hashtag #WatchMrLeoGrow. And now, here we are at the end of his first year, looking back at his last 52 weeks with us, and seeing how much he’s changed. He was once my chubby little baby and is now thinned out looking more and more like a little boy.


EEE! Week 1, so wittle! And week 7, his belly! Ha!10-18Leo

Weeks 13, 14, and 15, his chubby cheek SMILE!!! And oops on weeks 16, 17, and 18 on his outfits! My bad.


Week 22 and his shy wittle smile with his hands in his mouth. GAH! 💙28-36Leo

His head is looking pretty big in all of these photos! 37-45Leo

Leo’s personality comes out in these photos! Week 41 and 42 he learned how to yell “AHHHH!” and week 43 learned how to make sounds with his lips. CUTIE! 46-51Leo



And week 48, sums Leo up the best. Just a happy, chill, smiley little boy. My buddy.

Man, I can’t even pick a favorite!! Week 14-15 and his cheesing out smile might have me! But I also just LOVE week 48. It’s just totally Leo. I love them all though!

So much fun to see how he’s changed!

And now his birthday in on Wednesday, June 8. Our sweet boy, we love you so much! Can’t wait to celebrate you!

3 thoughts on “52 Weeks with Leo

  1. Mary

    I always think it’s so fun to see how much they have grown week by week or month by month. They change so fast! I hope little Leo has an awesome birthday. I love the theme you chose.

    1. Kaylee Post author

      I love it too!! Can’t believe how much he’s changed! I love little chubby babies and it’s so fun to look back at his wittle baby fat


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