10 Weeks With Leo

August 17, 2015

Leo is 10 weeks old today! 10 weeks, whew! He’s a bundle full of joy and we are totally smitten! I decided to start a weekly update about Leo on Instagram (@kayleemaykoch) to watch how he grows and give a weekly review of what he’s up to that week or any milestones he conquers. It’s really fun to see the photos from each week and keep track of how different he looks as he grows. The hashtag is #watchmrleogrow, so follow along if you’re on instagram!

Look at how big he’s gotten! So fun to see the progression!


And here’s this week – 10 weeks! This week, he’s totally outgrown his Fisher Price Rock N Play Sleeper that we had in our bedroom, so this week we started the transition of moving him into his crib! EEEEK! Last night was his first night and he was up three times instead of only once, sooo I’m going to do naps in the crib and nights in the sleeper until his naps are going smoothly. This makes him seem really old! Ivy didn’t move into her crib till she was three months, but, I’m not into co-sleeping, so here goes nothing!

Photo Aug 17, 4 21 19 PM

Romper (sold out, similar here)

2 thoughts on “10 Weeks With Leo

  1. Mary

    Do you have any tips for transitioning from the rock n play? We waited way too long with our first daughter and I’d like to move out second daughter (4weeks old) sooner rather than later, but she sleeps so well in it already. I’m at a loss on if I should transition in another month before I go back to work or try now. She napped for an hour in her crib yesterday, so maybe I should try more naps first.

    1. Kaylee Post author

      Hello Mary! With Leo, I just put him straight in it from the rock-n-play to the crib. I kept him swaddled, and actually moved to the velcro swaddles like the SwaddleMe ones. Those helped keep him really snug like in the rock-n-play. Then I moved from the SwaddleMe to a sleep sac when he kept breaking out of that. But anyways! With Ivy, I started doing naps in the crib, and nights still in the rock-n-play. So that she would get a good nights sleep still while trying to get used to the crib during naps. I did that for about two weeks and by then she was sleeping full time in her crib. It’s a process! But worth it to get them out of the rock-n-play when they outgrow it. With Leo, he was in his crib at two months bc he was large. With Ivy, I got her in her crib by 3.5 months. Good luck!!! :)


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