Faye // 6 Months

December 13, 2017

Faye is 6 months old today!! EEEEK! I just CANNOT believe that she is a half a year already! Lit-trally wanna cry that she’s hardly a wittle baaaaaby anymore :( I don’t want her to grow up so fast! This is our last little baby and it’s going by too quickly! I’m trying to soak up every moment I have with her. She’s so sweet and loveable and I just kiss her chubby cheeks all day! Ivy picked her outfit for this shoot – she loves to dress her up and help out!

This month, she hit some major milestones! She is rolling ALL over the place. Faye is in the stage where you put her on a blanket to play and she ends up way over on the other side of the room. Everywhere!

Plus, she’s already getting on all fours in crawling position! EEEK! She’ll rock back and forth all over! The girl isn’t even sitting up yet unassisted and already doing that! Slow down baby girl! I don’t need a mobile child… yet.

Faye also started eating foods in the last couple weeks. She’s really good with picking things up so she had no problem with her first meal – minestrone! Tons of roasted veggies and small noodles that she ate up. She also LOVES avocado, cheese, and cookies from the Grandmas! :)

She makes CRAZY hilarious noises! Basically a growl. Haha. I suppose she’s just trying to find her voice! It’s so weird yet so cute!

Sleep is pretty back to normal. Once she started rolling over this month we went through a bit of a regression when she couldn’t roll back over when she would roll onto her tummy. Took her a couple weeks to get used to sleeping differently (and no sleep), now all good! Mostly just gets up once in her 12 hour stretch at night and takes her two 1.5 – 2.5 hr naps during the day. Faye is a total finger sucker. Her left hand and the first three fingers. Loves em! Self-soothing, yes. :)

Lastly, she got two teeth last week! Her little bottom munchers are in! Thankfully, teething didn’t bother her, fewf! No fevers or fussy. Got lucky there!

Love our little Faye, I want to go in and cuddle you right now! Can’t get enough of her. Little baby. xoxo


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