Baby #3 // 28 Weeks

March 15, 2017

I am 28 weeks this week! Officially in the third trimester! My doctor said that this week and I was like WHAAAAT. Clearly not paying attention to my old pregnancy textbooks that I so diligently analyzed with our first! Haha. I can’t believe it! A bit scary, yet very exciting that we are getting closer. Pretty much on cruise control from here! This month has really been all belly, making it harder to bend over and do workouts. I know I have so far to go still, so I’m trying to not complain about this belly that’s constantly in the way already : /

Here’s comparing my last 3 months. And you can notice I got a haircut and color! Whew I didn’t realize my hair was sooooo long!

How far along: 28 weeks
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: 17 lbs (gained 3 pounds this month)

Last Doctor’s check-up: 28 week checkup – I had to do the glucose test, which I passed, hooray! Baby girl’s heartbeat was 145 and I’m measuring right on track. Yay baby!

Maternity clothes: I’m into more fitting things lately to show off da bump. I bought a couple colors in this bodycon dress (bc $9.90!!!), it’s not maternity, but I sized up and it works! Pair it with a cute long cardigan and I love the look! Otherwise, this teal dress is stunning. The color is so fabulous. Also, this cute bomber coat is so great! I love the fur around the top. Here are some tops I’m eyeing also! This B&W striped flute sleeve top, this denim embroidered top, this white ruffle top, this button down denim chambray top (fave!!!), and this plaid shirt. Gah! Actually some great tops out there right now!  Lasty, gimme all the distressed jeans or pants.

Swipe to the right and then click the arrow to shop! 

Best moment this month: So much movement! She is spinning and turning and kicking all the time I feel like. Also, I started feeling her hiccups this month, which is always so cute! Itty bitty. And Ivy is loving feeling the kicks not that they’re really prevalent. She will say her baby is kicking her too! Oh boy :)

Worst moment this month: Having to make accommodations on my workouts at Barre3. My abs are basically separated making room for this babe, so I can’t do much mid core anymore and try to not be on my back for too long. So I’m struggling doing any ab work! But still working those legs, butt, and arms. I really want to bounce back fast after the baby since it’ll be swimsuit season and the middle of summer! : /

Miss anything: Bending over with ease. Humph.

Cravings: SLUSHES! I don’t think this is pregnancy related, because I have ALWAYS loved slushies and flavored ice!! I have like 5 different cups of frozen juice or lemonade in the freezer to pop out and unthaw to eat. So weird. But I can’t get enough!!! Kids love it too :)

Names: Meh, still no name. Added a couple to our list and also still have some on the list from when we had Ivy. John loves one, I love a few others, really can’t decide! I think we will go with May being her middle name though, which is also my middle name. So we have that! Now to pick a first name that goes with that. Struggling!!!

Looking forward to: Girl’s trip to Chicago!!! Next week me and eight of my best girlfriends from high school are headed to Chi-town for a getaway! Can’t wait for some much needed girl time, food, shopping, and fun! One of my other friends is also pregnant, so thankfully I will have a sober buddy! :)

Here’s to the last trimester! Hip Hip Hooooooray!

2 thoughts on “Baby #3 // 28 Weeks

  1. Pingback: Baby #3 // 37 Weeks - Apple of My Ivy

  2. Pingback: Baby #3 // 40 Weeks - Apple of My Ivy

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