Happy 3rd Birthday Ivy!

October 1, 2016

Mermaid inspired birthdayIvy turns three today! October 1, whew! Can’t believe it was already three years ago! (See birth story here) It went by so fast, but at the same time it feels like I’ve had kids forever!

Looking back at her 2nd birthday post (here), it’s so funny to see her walking around so little, and look at Leo in the video, teeny! She was so proud singing her ABC’s! And to think of her now, saying all her letters so well, talking NON-STOP about everything, using her imagination more than ever, going to preschool, wow, really hits ya how much she’s changed in a year.

Couldn’t be happier with how she’s growing up (well ok, minus the telling me “no” and running away lately), Ivy, you’re too smart for your own good, and we love your spunk! I’m so proud of you and how you are always looking after your brother. You are certainly sweet and spicy, more spicy than sweet, but those few sweet moments where you actually want a hug and kiss make them that much better! We love you and all your rambunctiousness! Happy 3rd birthday Ivy! XOXO

Mermaid inspired birthday

Mermaid skirt // peplum mermaid top // balloons // tassel banner

More on her mermaid inspired birthday party later this week! Isn’t this outfit to die for?! She was so freaking cute in it!!!!

Here’s the time machine to look back at how she’s grown from birth, year 1, year 2, and now year 3! Besides longer hair, she doesn’t look too different from year 2 to 3. Same little devilish smirk! :)


A video about Ivy. She’s improved a lot on her ABC’s from last year! See last year’s video here. I feel like her favorite colors will ALWAYS be “pink and purple!” She’s so funny.

Love you Ivy! Happy 3rd birthday!

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