Weekend FUN

March 15, 2015

This weekend was B U S Y! It was a lot of fun and full of activity! John was out of town so it was just me and the bebe. It was so glorious outside, bright and sunny and warm, a perfect spring weekend. We were outside the entire weekend, basically, and loved every second of it, soaking in that sun since it hasn’t been around for so long! I am so excited for spring and summer I can hardly contain myself. The snow is finally all melted and I am so anxious to see some green and color pop up again. Now let’s hope my plants and flowers I planted last year all survived : /

Saturday was the St. Patrick’s Day parade downtown. We went with Grandpa and Grandma Koch and we all fought over who gets to hold Ivy! :) Papa won… she was so snuggly with him!

Emmie and Papa St Pattys Day

Ivy just stared out at all of the action and people and craziness happening around her. She didn’t like all of the loud honking going on, but as long as we held her she was ok, and we weren’t complaining :) I was sure missing out on that green beer!

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The next day, Ivy still had fun with the decorations – she’s so silly!

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After the parade, my friend Meghan and her two children, Ben and Nora, came over to grill and play. She brought her Little Tikes Inflatable Bouncer and the kids played and played like wild kids!

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On Sunday, Ivy and I ventured out to the zoo. We hadn’t been there since last summer and it was so much fun this time! Ivy knew the animals and the noises they make and she was beyond excited about everything. It was such a blast with her now that she is older!

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 It was so hot out! And Ivy was just running around like wild, she was getting so hot. I just decided to take her jeans off : / haha, it was a little inappropriate, buuuuut oh well :)

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She stiiiiill isn’t quite brave enough about feeding the goats. She would NOT get close to them without me. I showed her how to feed them and then she did it and just died laughing! It was so funny!

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She particularly liked the rhino. She kept trying to grunt like the noises it was making. I about died :) haha

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 She also really loved the wolves. Her howl is quite entertaining and she was doing it over and over again. HILARIOUS.

Inside of the zoo is a great museum and a play area. It was nice being able to see some animals that they didn’t have outside and I’m pretty sure Ivy didn’t quite get that they weren’t real… yet.

There are buttons you can push to hear the animal noises and she went around to find every one to push. She would push it, then run to me and laugh and hide. She is so damn funny and peculiar sometimes! This girl is a riot! She really loved the hyena noise because she is obsessed with the book Good Night, Gorilla and there is a hyena in the story.

The way she says hyena, “hyna,” SWOON

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So this weekend is getting me REALLY excited about summer and getting to spend every day with her after school is out! I am LOVING her age right now and how funny and interactive she is. She’s addicting to be around and I can’t wait to be with her every day! I’m really glad I have about a month after school gets out until baby boy gets here so I can just spend some QT with Ivy. We will both need it!

Love this girl xxoo

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