Ivy’s Weekend

February 8, 2015

This weekend, I tried to make it all about Ivy. Time to get my mind off of new baby for a bit. We don’t have too many of these free weekends left before he arrives in June! Plus with the glorious weather on Saturday, we made the best of it. Gotta have my girl time ;)

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We stayed in our pjs for the morning and I just SWOON over her dragging her “bankie” around

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Donuts. Because why not.

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Lip-lickin’ good

16 months-21

Saturday was just perfect outside for walks around the neighborhood.

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I mean… GAH <3

16 months-2

One second Mom, I’m watching George.

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Her favorite, playing dress-up with hats.

I can’t believe how big she is now! She is getting to be such a little person with her own wants, needs, interests, and likes. She is a HUGE TALKER. My goodness!! Looking back at her 1st birthday party and recapping what she can say (see 1st birthday party here), it’s unbelievable how fast these kids learn! She repeats basically everything we say. My new favorite is “hyna” or “hyena” as we read Good Night, Gorilla. It’s so damn cute. Today, she even said “heart” as she pointed to the heart on her shirt. I was like, UMB, when the hell did you learn shapes?! Good grief! She’s like a sponge. It’s so fun to hear her talk and to repeat things when we read to her and talk to her. I can already tell she’ll be a smarty pants and such a good student :) Teacher in me, I can’t help it.

She is so much fun and I ABSOLUTELY adore her. We are so lucky to have such a sweet girl.

Love you, Ivy.

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