Apple Orchard // 2017

October 19, 2017

I feel like this fall has already gotten away from me! WHERE did September go. And now practically October! Between starting school, Ivy’s birthday, and trying to get Faye on a schedule, it’s flown by. But with this indian summer this week (loving these 70’s temps!!!), we finally made it out to the apple/pumpkin orchard (twice!)! Gimme all the caramel apples!

We usually go to one of the three festivals each year so that the kids can ride the ponies and choo choo train, but since those somehow got away from me, I just brought them on a random day, and we LOVED it. Having the place to ourselves was a miracle and I didn’t have to give in to buying unnecessary pumpkins and treats just to dodge a complete hysterical meltdown from one of the kids in front of hundreds of people. So nice having the place to ourselves and the kids running amok (amok! amok! amok!) all over the pumpkin patch. And Leo loved that the train was there. He was climbing all over it! Had it all to himself.

The kids would run from pumpkin to pumpkin trying to pick up which one they wanted. Ivy kept asking which one was a magic pumpkin that would turn into a carriage like Cinderella! Loving her imagination lately!

Went on to the apples and Leo devoured about 8 of them! Ivy’s style is more like wanting to find a “baby apple” (aka a little teeny apple) taking one bite, throwing it on the ground with the 57 other apples under each tree, then asking for another baby apple.

Yes. That’s a rock she’s carrying. No idea.

Must make a stop at the ponies and goats, and apple orchard complete!



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