With this being my second official Mother’s Day, I remember my last one and reflecting on how I am doing as a Mom and if I was living up to my expectations. From last year being mostly supporting and nourishing my child, to this year and actually having to parent and teach and support. I think about what I write in my Mother’s Day card to my mom. How she’s always there for me, how she helps me through anything, how much she loves me, and how much I appreciate her. And those things just touch the surface of what a Mother really does. With another year down the hatch, I’m thinking deeper about being a Mom. Am I raising my child to be independent? Is she a free spirit? Do I allow her to explore and learn about the world around her? Am I allowing Ivy to discover who she really is instead of molding her into what I want her to be? Mostly, am I being the kind of mom that I dreamed out to be?
Dear Moms, we’re doing just fine.
This video reminds me how tough it really is to BE A MOM. Titled the “World’s Toughest Job,” these producers created and posted a fake job called the “Director of Operations,” and held interviews. HILARIOUS. Eye-opening with how demanding this job really is!
Dear Moms, we’re doing just fine.
When I think about my mom, I am so thankful with how we were raised and all of the love we received. It makes me think, “How am I doing?” It’s such hard work and I feel like I fail on a daily basis to live up to my expectations of how I want to be as a Mom and how I want to raise my children. But, we all have our own way of raising our children and we do what we need to do to survive. (Insert any crazy thing you’ve done for your child to keep them quiet or to keep you sane! I could list about a million!) However, we have more in common with other Moms than we think. We love our children. We support our children. We show strength and courage. We are dedicated. We are role models. Think about your Mom and how much you idolized her as a child. That’s what we are to our children. How you turn to your Mom for support and love and kindness. We are there for our kids, we show them support, love, and kindness, and in that way, I think we’re doing just fine.
Dear Moms, we’re doing just fine.
The best thing of all with being a Mom, is the connection your have with your children. Nothing beats that run to Mommy to make me feel better saga. A mom holds a power stronger than any pacifier, or blankie, or comfort object. A mom’s tender touch and love has the strength to get rid of any tears. The connection a child has with his/her Mom is immeasurable. And Moms, just remember the power that you really hold.
Dear Moms, we’re doing just fine.
This Mother’s Day, I’m going to soak in my successes and forget about my failures. My child is beaming, full of confidence, independent, exploring, and happy, and what gets better than that. Of all the things we read on how to parent, and what to do when your toddler is screaming, and how to survive the terrible twos, and yada yada yada, everyone has opinions. Instead, tomorrow, I’m going to give Ivy extra love and support, squeeze her a little harder, give her a million and one kisses, and remember how lucky I am. How lucky I am to BE A MOM! And to recognize that, we’re doing just fine.
Mother’s Day Specials
– The Ellen Show Mother’s Day Special – enter to win this giveaway – tons of great prizes and discounts on the products that were features
– Win a year supply of Huggies diapers and wipes – enter here
– Take an extra 20% off with code MOTHER at Crazy 8 – link here
– Lucy Darling Shop – take 20% off with code iLOVEMOM20 – link here