I remember LOVING Easter as a child. Waking up anxiously to go search for my hidden basket before church, digging through the paper grass, eyeing which piece of candy I’m going to eat and which toy I’m going to play with first. It was such a fun childhood memory, all of the goodies in your basket and the thrill of an Easter egg hunt, I loved it all.
This Easter, I have been so anxious to get Ivy an Easter basket and her very own first Easter bunny! I loved the tradition we had as a child and I want to continue that to keep up the thrill and fun of Easter.
I went with a spring/summer fun basket with some goodies that Ivy was just a bit too young for last summer that I’ve been very excited for her to play with this summer. I found two super cute baskets at Target (obvs Target… #targetdoesitagain), this straw basket and this bunny basket.
For the goodies inside, I got some bubbles, sidewalk chalk, sand toys, and Grandma Emmie got her a new plate and bowl. I also scored Elmo for $20 off! I figured I better buy that while it was super on sale! I filled the plastic eggs with various candies in anticipation for an ultra fun hunt tomorrow! I can’t wait to see Ivy search for them and fill her basket!
For Ivy’s Easter bunny, I got the Bashful Tulip Pink Jellycat from Child’s Play Toys. I laid out three colors, cream, pink, and beige, and of course she picked the pink! I think I have a serious girly girl on my hands! It was so precious how she carried it around the rest of the day. Tucked it under her wittle arm… swoooooooooon.
Well I’m so excited for Easter tomorrow! I am anxious to start some fun family traditions and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and welcome this spring season in full form! And to add some cute decorations around the house :)
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